• I Wayan Pantiyasa Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bali Internasional
  • I Nyoman Urbanus Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bali Internasional
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The “Mass-Tourism” that has been developed in Bali, eventually has marginalized the local people. It has obviously also caused a lot of problems including the changing of land use, urbanization, the increase of criminals, narcotic abuse, degradation of local values of life, etc. The development of “Desa Wisata” (community Based Tourism) is the answer of those mentioned above problems. This research aims to analyze the management of “Desa Wisata”(community Based Tourism), Tourist perception of service provided for clients, and the observation of the local values. The method of his research is survey, observations, interviews, documentations, and questionnaire. The results shows from management perspectives that the “Desa Wisata” (community Based Tourism)  has not been professionally managed in term of administrations including reservation system, reception of tourist, accounting, and data base.All those weaknesses were caused by the lack of competence of the human resources. the “Desa Wisata” (community Based Tourism) has not yet decided the planning of the development of the village. The operational just operate without well organized plan. There is no master plan for a strategic development, no innovations and no promotion planning. The Tourist perception of  services provided are Excellent-given to the safety in the room, hospitality of the staff, menu variations, food and beverage presentation, tourist attraction and empathy of the management., Good-given to the reception during he arrival and luggage-handling, comfortness of accommodation, room amenities availability, and the food taste , Fair-given to the cleanliness of rooms and toilets, cleanliness of cutleries and restaurants and garbage handling, Poor-given  to the cleanliness of the environment including receptions, room  availability , food and beverage provided scored as above average. Sanitation and hygiene need to be upgraded and the waste management is still very low. It is recommended for the management to provide training programs especially in increasing the staffs’ foreign language capability mostly English and French.



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How to Cite
Pantiyasa, I. W. and Urbanus, I. N. (2018) “ANALISIS PENGELOLAAN DESA WISATA SEBAGAI PARIWISATA ALTERNATIF DI BALI”, Jurnal Ilmiah Hospitality Management, 6(2), pp. 65-74. doi: 10.22334/jihm.v6i2.21.
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